Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How to Choose a Stroller

Excited to show your baby the world? Find a ride that’s perfect for your family.

Deciding what stroller to get for your new baby can be tough when you don’t know exactly what you need or what to look for. And let’s face it: That set of wheels is pretty important when it comes to making outings with your baby easier, whether that means strolling a farmer’s market, going for a run, navigating the streets of Europe or just getting out of the house for a walk around the block.

It’s a big decision, but here’s all the information you need to help you make the right stroller choice for you and your family. When you finish reading this quick guide, you’ll know the major stroller types, what to keep in mind as you shop and the features parents appreciate most.

What to Consider When Choosing a Stroller

When picking out a stroller, you’ll want to think about what’s best for you and your family. Keep the following in mind:

Cost: First-time parents are often shocked by how much strollers cost. While higher-end strollers can cost upwards of $800, you can get a solid stroller that fits your needs for much less. (Here’s a guide to strollers under $300.)

Family size: If you’re a one-and-done family or want to have several years between siblings, a single stroller will work just fine. But if you think there’s a chance you’ll have another child within the next three years, consider a single stroller that can convert to double stroller or even accommodate up to three kids (two seats and a stroller board). Babylist parents say one of their biggest stroller regrets is not investing in one that would convert to a double.

Lifestyle: Besides keeping your baby comfy and safe, the most important aspect of a stroller is that it’s suited to your lifestyle. It should be designed to meet the needs of your everyday activities.

Types of Strollers

There’s a stroller type for nearly every situation—from jogging to traveling to everyday activities. Here’s a breakdown of what’s what:

All-purpose stroller

Also known as a “normal,” “everyday” or “full-size” stroller, this type of stroller is ideal for everyday activities like going to the mall or for walks around the neighborhood. These are typically solid strollers that combine a smooth ride with convenient features like cup holders and storage baskets. Some are also “modular” and have the ability to change the seat direction or add on another seat or stroller board (an area for a toddler to stand and ride) down the road.

Lightweight stroller

Like the name implies, this type of stroller weighs less than your average stroller, so it’s less taxing to lift in and out of your car trunk or bring on public transportation. Also, lightweight strollers usually have a slender profile to more easily navigate through narrow doorways and on crowded sidewalks. Lightweight strollers also are great for travel—some fold up small enough for overhead airplane bins. They vary widely in price, so don’t expect a lot of extras in the less-expensive versions. (See the best lightweight strollers.)

Double stroller

For twins or kids born close together, a double stroller can be helpful. There are two designs to choose from: side-by-side seats or single-file seats (also called tandem). If you have twins and want to use a double stroller from birth, make sure to find a stroller that allows for two infant car seats at one time, like the Baby Jogger City Select. (See the best double strollers.)

Read Full Article Here: How to Choose a Stroller

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