Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Best Strollers for All Terrains – Go Anywhere

the best all terrain jogging strollerAll Terrain strollers designed to adapt to different terrain types such that they are easy to drive and be comfortable for your traveling companion.

They're characteristically three or four-wheeled, but you can also find a traditional All-Terrain stroller with larger inflatable tires intended for use on a variety of surfaces. Finding the best strollers for all terrains can be find of tough will all the selections available.

When it comes to selecting an All-Terrain stroller, most mothers often think a jogging stroller will serve the purpose. While in most cases, this is true, not all jogging strollers are all-terrain strollers and not all-terrain strollers are jogging strollers.

Jogger Strollers vs. All-Terrain

Jogger strollers are loaded with multiple features to handle the impact and speed when jogging or running. These include large wheels and suspension systems to smooth out those bumpy rides. But in jogging strollers, the wheels are unlocked for mobility. All-Terrain strollers, on the other hand, feature large inflatable tires but with a swivel front wheel feature that can be locked for stability on bumpy surfaces.

How to Choose the Best Stroller

When shopping, pay attention to the following:

1. Tires

Front Swivel Wheel - Rough surfaces can cause the front wheel of the stroller to wobble or rotate undesirably, causing it to turn sharply, tip or flip over. The front swivel wheel, therefore, is a feature that allows one to lock the front wheel of the buggy in a fixed position when on rough surfaces. This feature provides stability when strolling at a higher speed. The front swivel wheel also makes it easy to turn through a small radius. That way, whizzing through crowded streets, airports, etc. becomes a breeze.

Larger inflatable tires - When it comes to strollers, tires determine how different terrains impact the ride. Larger (above 12 inches) and inflatable tires move smoothly over rough surfaces and uneven terrains such that they are not only comfortable for the rider but easy for the driver too.

Thick Treads come in handy in slick situations - Strollers with thick treads are easy to control in slick conditions, therefore, be keen here too. Just like your thick treaded snow boots come in handy during winter, so will the thick treads in your buggy's tires.

2. The versatility of the Stroller Seat

Reclining Seat – When strolling on those rough terrains, it's advisable to sit your baby in an inclined position rather than a straight position. When inclined, the impact from the uneven surfaces is distributed evenly over the baby's body. But when seated straight, the effect of the force is on the baby's head and spine making the ride uncomfortable.

Soft Seat – Consider a seat with a softer back; you can also go for the sling-style seat: Suspended fabric such that your baby doesn’t bang up against the buggy’s plastic backs.

3. The Harness and Canopy

According to the American Academy of Paediatrics consumer product safety report, a weak stroller restraint system accounted for half of stroller related accidents between 2011 and 2018. In these cases, the baby fell out, or the stroller tipped over.

The same commission recommends getting a five-point harness with a crotch strap, hip and shoulder coverage, strong seat belts and buckles that the baby can’t unfasten.

Also, ensure the sun canopy is large enough to keep your UV rays away. Water-proofed canopies come in handy during rainy seasons too.

4. The Fold and Storage

How do you intend to store and transport your All-Terrain stroller? While umbrella pushchairs are ultra-light and can be compressed and bundled with the rest of cabin luggage, they're designed for city moms only. All-Terrain strollers, on the other hand, are large and heavy compared to all other models, so be ready for such.

5. Lifestyle

If your activities take you through grassy parks, beaches, rough terrains, and trails, then you are going to need an All-Terrain stroller. But if you are a city mom, an excellent easy-fold ultra-lightweight umbrella stroller will get the job done; make sure it's designed with front swivel wheels that make it easy to maneuver through tight spaces.

6. Family Size

Do you plan on having only one child or more? If one is enough, then a single stroller will get the job done. But if you plan on getting another child along the way, then get a single-stroller that can be converted to a double or more using two seats plus a stroller board to accommodate extra babies.

7. Brakes

A stroller with a two-wheel parking brake that's easy to operate is the best. The ability to lock two wheels guarantees an extra margin of safety. A parking brake that can be effected in a single stroke is the best. Others require a two-feet action on the tabs located above each rear wheel; make sure to avoid models that hurt your feet when engaging the brakes.

Other features to watch out for include extra storage spaces for baby stuff and an adjustable handle to match different parent heights. Cost also is a factor, too; higher-end strollers start at $800 and higher, but depending on your needs, you can get solid buggies that cost as low as $300.

On that note, therefore, let’s take a look at two of the best All-Terrain strollers in the market.

BOB Revolution PRO Jogging Stroller

BOB Revolution all terrain jogging stroller

When it comes to smooth rides on all surfaces, BOB is king. The PRO jogger features a swivel front wheel such that when jogging, you can lock it for stable rides, and when walking, you get to unlock it to increase mobility.

The PRO Jogger is a travel system that grows with your baby. During the early months, you can fit the Infant Car Seat in it then swap it out for the stroller seat when the baby develops neck control.


Adjustable Suspension System to make bumpy rides smooth
Adjustable shock absorbers depending on baby weight and terrain.
Foot-operated parking brake plus a convenient hand brake can be used to keep the pace when jogging or going downhill
Wide padded straps
Seat reclines up to 70 degrees
Large canopy with a window to check on your child
Adjustable handlebars so that parents of different height can use it.
Extra-large storage spaces on the back of the seat


Heavy and with a large fold.
Annoying canopy movement when on bumpier terrain
No accessories like parent tray have been included
Very expensive compared to other brands.

Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller

Chicco TRE All Terrain Jogging Stroller

The TRE Jogging features air-filled tires and an adjustable suspension system that can be used to smooth bumpy rides or make rides firmer when jogging.

Where the TRE Jogging stroller excels include:

Can be folded with one hand
Three ways to fold: flat fold for the trunk, self-standing for garage storage, and closet compact fold.
Large air-filled wheels
Features a parent tray that holds two cups

The TRE Jogging fails to include:

No child tray or option to add one
Tough-to-use brakes

In retrospect, depending on your lifestyle, you can choose between jogging, All-Terrain, or umbrella strollers. While jogging strollers are built with suspension systems to smooth out bumpy rides, they lack the swivel front-wheel lock capabilities of All-Terrain design. Umbrella strollers, on the other hand, are very portable but won't handle rough terrains. Want to introduce your baby to different sceneries? Why not try an all terrain stroller?

Best Strollers for All Terrains – Go Anywhere was first published on: BestStrollersForYou.com

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